The Bible Project

I'm pretty sure my own mom has been praying that I would be more in THE Word than in all the other words, so I'd say those prayers greatly influenced my heart to make the switch. The importance of feeding on God's Word alone kept popping up in the various sermons and podcasts that I listen to during the week as well. So I listened to the calling, and set my devotionals aside. 

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There seems to be something about the bare sharing of a meal that reveals the kingdom of God...We Christians must learn from these meals, to bring Christ’s joy to our neighborhoods and workplaces...Jesus’ fellowship meals teach that we Christians ought to be hubs of relationship and celebration in our communities. -Mark Glanville

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Beautiful Mornings, Part Two: Tools of the Trade

It occurred to me after the first Beautiful Mornings post that some sisters may be longing for a healthier relationship with Christ, but weren't sure where to start. The following tools are not complicated ones. Ain't nobody got time for that! And, truthfully, Jesus isn't complicated either! 

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Rotten Fruit

I claim Christ, yet my flesh has still been ruling over me in so many areas! I don't want that! I want to be a woman of God, a branch firmly attached to the Vine, a disciple whose life is marked by the fruit I bear, so that my time on earth may bring glory to Christ. As Jesus said in John 15, God has had to do some pruning, because the fruit I've been bearing has been rotten.

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When life goes along smoothly, it's easy to praise God, count myself blessed, and tell others of His greatness . However, when things aren't going my way, when my life is far less than Instagram worthy, when I feel like I can barely trust Him at all, I have a much harder time doing those three things.

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A Persevering YES

Mary had plenty of opportunities to feel abandoned by God, to ask Him to pick someone else, to lament her situation, or to give up entirely, but she didn't. She couldn't have known just how difficult the road would be when she said YES to God's call, but she had to have known that life as she knew it would be over. She had to have known EVERYTHING would change and she said YES anyway. I have been feeling convicted lately about my YES. My "yes'es" aren't nearly as bold as Mary's was. Mine are more like, "Ok, I guess, if it doesn't force me out of my comfort zone or cause me to suffer in any way." Ugh. How embarrassing to admit.

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Rise Up, Church

Yes, Jesus Christ is still on His throne, yesterday, today, and forever, but that does not mean we sit idly by on this Earth, waiting for the day He calls us home.
We are at war and the battle plans have been drawn.
"Love one another, as I have loved you so must you love one another." John 13:34
"Set an speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12
"Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with you God." Micah 6:8
We are to be working HARD at bringing the Kingdom to Earth.

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