The Bible Project

Y'all, I have stumbled on such a treasure! I attended the summer women's study at our church in June and July and the speaker, the director of women's ministry, introduced us to The Bible Project. I think somewhere, somehow I had seen one of their videos before, but it hadn't really stuck with me. And it didn't again this time, not immediately that is. It's been a few weeks, but I am finally starting to utilize The Bible Project videos and boy are they helpful!

You see, for quite a few months now I have felt the Lord calling me to set aside all my devotionals and just read His Word. That's the real food, that's where I will find the meat that I need to nourish my starving soul. I think devotionals are great! In fact, I wrote two different blog posts about the tools I typically use to structure my morning time (Part One and Part Two). It's true, however, that no matter how appealing the words of other men and women are, the Word of God should always be our main course. Devotionals and books will always be written with a personal bias that may sway our beliefs one way or another. Sometimes that's great, sometimes it isn't. It's important to have a healthy understanding of God's Word alone, so that we may filter all the other words and opinions through His Truth. 

I'm pretty sure my own mom has been praying that I would be more in the Word than in all the other words, so I'd say those prayers greatly influenced my heart to make the switch. The importance of feeding on God's Word alone kept popping up in the various sermons and podcasts that I listen to during the week as well. So, I listened to the calling, and set my devotionals aside. 

I wasn't quite sure where to start, but I remembered some Young Life folks saying that the Gospel of John is where they sent new believers, so I figured I'd start there. The first few days of reading straight from John did feel uncomfortable. Mostly because it doesn't all make sense. I did stick with it though, and the more I read, the more I began to look forward to my time at the kitchen table with just God's Word in front of me. It's funny how the more you drink from the Bible, the thirstier you get.

During these morning study times, The Bible Project popped back into my head. I thought of their video we watched during summer study and how insightful it was. So, I got on YouTube and watched the video on the first half of the book of John. WOAH. I've watched it a few times now just to take some notes on the things that I missed. I've also watched, and will re-watch, the video for James because that's the book our pastor will be preaching out of over the next few weeks.

The Bible Project is a terrific supplemental tool to have close by if you are trying to read and comprehend Scripture. It's fun, creative, and will helpful the people and places of the Bible come alive! It can be intimidating to sit down and just open up the Bible. I'm not sure why, possibly something to do with spiritual warfare, but it feels easier to open up a devotional or a "Christian Lifestyle" book and try to find satisfaction in those things. I would urge you to take the leap and before you pick up that super awesome devotional in the morning, read a chapter in the Bible. Meditate over the inspired words found there. Let them seep into your soul and fortify your bones. And if, like me, you need help understanding everything happening there, go looking for it! You may love The Bible Project just as much as me!

Let me know if you want to join me in reading through specific books of the Bible. I would be honored to pray for your journey. 

Above is just an overview of the purpose and plan of The Bible Project. Below, are the videos for the Gospel of John. I will say that reading straight Scripture is still more important than these videos and we should all be questioning the works of man, as they are imperfect, unlike God's Word.