Monday, January 9th, 2017
For our first Monday Mom Memo of the new year, I'm sharing a prayer by Robert Benson.
A few years ago, I started writing scripture, quotes, and song lyrics down on index cards then punched a whole in one corner and collected them on a key ring.
I call it my "encouragement key-chain" and it goes everywhere I go.
Some of the index cards have dirty fingerprints or tear stains and a few were written by others and given to me.
It's well loved to the point that some are so torn or faded that I decided to look through it and re-copy the ones that were tattered.
As I did this, I came across a large one with this prayer was written on it in Momma's neat script.
It jumped out to me as the perfect mom memo to start off 2017 with.
How different would the responsibilities of our day weigh on us if we, as Benson states, came to "see ourselves as hands and feet of God, rather than merely the shoulders and back of the marketplace."
That's a beautiful idea that, if we pray for God's help, may turn from sentiment to action.
Will you join me in praying this daily, until and still after, it is true of us?
Want to print this out and add it to a keychain of your own? Free download here.