Rise Up, Church
Rise up, Church,
you have a sacred calling.
Rise up, Church,
there is great work to be done.
Yes, Jesus Christ is still on His throne, yesterday, today, and forever, but that does not mean we sit idly by on this Earth, waiting for the day He calls us home.
We are at war and the battle plans have been drawn.
"Love one another, as I have loved you so must you love one another." John 13:34
"Set an example...in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12
"Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with you God." Micah 6:8
We are to be working HARD at bringing the Kingdom to Earth.
Rise up, Believers,
you have a sacred calling.
Rise up, Believers,
there is great work to be done.
This is our chance to demonstrate love to all.
This is our chance to say "YOU DO BELONG", to the least of these.
This is our chance to live like our identity is grounded first in Him, not our Nation.
This is our chance to push the fear aside and walk tall in our faith.
This is our chance, family, to open our homes, our hearts, our wallets, and our souls to scared and lonely people.
This is our chance to say His table is big enough for all of us.
This is our chance to live out the truth that ALL lives matter to Him, because He created them all.
This is our chance to serve in His name.
This is our chance to say #ChristsLoveWins
Rise up, Disciples,
you have a sacred calling.
Rise up, Disciples,
there is great work to be done.
His love is more than what the world has made it out to be.
His love is not exclusively for one people group, "Come to me ALL who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
His love does not run away scared, it runs boldly toward.
His love does not turn away the broken hearted and confused, it prepares them a feast.
His love came to "seek and save the lost." Luke 19:10
His love is the light that the darkness has not, and never will, overcome.
His love does not promote or sustain fear, but casts it aside.
His love takes us just as we are, but does not leave us as it found us.
Rise up, Christ followers,
you have a sacred calling.
Rise up, Christ followers,
there is great work to be done.
If the world has a bad taste of Christians in its mouth, then let's undo the damage we've done.
If we are not DOING LOVE, then what are we doing?
If we needed a swift kick in the pants to rise to the occasion, what more are we waiting on?
If we are not being the hands and feet of God, we are no different than an unbeliever.
If we want the world we live in to look differently, then we must be men and women of action.
If we aren't loving our neighbors, who is?
If we aren't standing up for Christ, who will? (Ok technically the rocks will then cry out)
If ever there were a time to proclaim His name, this is it.
Our identity and our worth was determined when Christ was crucified and rose again.
Our rights as heirs to His throne cannot be taken away from us while we are on Earth.
Our true freedoms have been granted to us through His saving grace.
Our true home is His kingdom, but we should be living with a "Kingdom Perspective" while we are here.
Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities of darkness.
Our hope is not founded in this world, but we do have to live here!
Our sacred calling is to love Christ and love others, actively, not passively.
Our hearts should be broken for what breaks His, mainly sin and the people broken by it.
Our work is never over.
Our Savior reigns in justice and righteousness.
Rise up, Church,
you have a sacred calling.
Rise up, Church,
there is work to be done.
Painting by Norman Rockwell
That's what love does - it pursues blindly, unflinchingly, and without end. When you go after something you love, you'll do anything it takes to get it, even if it costs everything. Bob Goff
Want to actively do love? Here are some really great places to start: